10 guys you absolutely should never ever chase


Madelaine Lucy Hanson
4 min readJul 17, 2017

We’ve all have crushes on incredibly unsuitable suitors, but believe me, if he is one of the following, you are better off in your pyjamas eating ice cream alone

  1. He’s taken.

If he has a serious girlfriend or a wife, for god’s sake stay out of that man’s pants and inbox. It will never, ever, ever work out, ever. He might be suave and charismatic and charming, but he probably loves his wife. And not you. And even if he thinks she’s a bitter old iguana, if he thinks he can cheat once, he’ll hurt you too. Nopety nopety nope. Even if you don’t care about his stupid wife/girlfriend/life partner, you will get hurt.

She knows, you know, stop

2. He NEVER texts back.

This sounds petty, but bear with. If he’s never got time for you, or simply doesn’t want to make time for you, that is exactly what it is going to be like for the whole relationship. He might have the most amazing excuses, but even if he is a top high-flying lawyer, you get the lifestyle as well as the man. If that means being lonely and feeling rejected, get out of there asap.

Hahaha good luck hearing back this month

3. He definitely doesn’t like you.

This goes both ways. If he thinks you are creepy, weird, stalkerish and intense, that’s not going to change by endlessly calling or texting him. You are just embarassing yourself. Sorry girl, someone had to tell you. Drop it.

Let it go, let it go

4. He hates whatever you like doing.

Make up is pointless and silly. Why do you read those stupid chick-flicks? Why do you find that show funny? He wishes you’d just stop singing. Basically, he just hates anything that makes you happy. It’s not working and you know it. You shouldn’t have to change everything you are to make a guy happy. That way you are living a lie. An unhappy lie.

Oh he’s so cool, you are sooo mainstream

5. He hates the way you look.

This isn’t if he said your jumpsuit wasn’t great that one time. But if he is endlessly saying you look fat or slutty or he doesn’t want you to wear make up, you are just going to end up having terrible self image problems. Don’t stay with or chase someone who endlessly wears you down.

Eww, you like GIRL things

6. He has a terrible temper or jealousy problem.

If he is overly possessive (and not in a sexy way), very short tempered and jealous, these should all be alarm bells. I’m not saying every guy who gets angry when you hang out with a male friend is going to abuse you, but if it is getting extreme, get the hell out of there.

No Darren, I definitely don’t have a crush on that random guy

7. He does things that really irritate you all the time.

It might be petty and stupid, and yes you have mentioned it fifty times, but if you end up shrieking at him over the dishwasher or not doing his tax return on time, you need to consider whether your relationship is toxic. It’s not normal to get incredibly angry at someone over small things. You might be making both of you unhappy.

WHY doesn’t he do that thing? WHY???

8. He says really racist/sexist/homophobic stuff.

You don’t have to be 100% politically aligned, but if someone’s views are making you feel incredibly awkward, uncomfortable or angry, and they aren’t going to change with an honest conversation, then maybe you need to reconsider if you are compatible. If you can over come it, great, but it is definitely a deal breaker if someone can’t handle you having black/gay/trans friends.

Nope, that wasn’t funny. Please stop

9. He’s really boring.

He might look like James Dean but he is so dull. There are awkward silences after every few minutes and you are always thinking up imaginative ways to talk to him. Just accept you are different and he’s not the one.

Well this is a long date

10. He’s definitely gay.

No, he’s not going to ‘see the light’ when you turn up in a low cut dress. He’s not going to magically turn straight at your beauty. He’s gay. He likes boys. He will never like you sexually. Accept it and stop the homo-denial.

Please just let a guy go



Madelaine Lucy Hanson

27 year old with an awful lot to say about everything. Opinions entirely my own. Usually.