Five harsh learnt realities I’d pass on to other women

Been there, done that. Here’s the memo, sis

Madelaine Lucy Hanson
4 min readJul 2, 2024

I’m still young, as I’m constantly being told. But if I could have had a female mentor ten years ago, this is what I wish she’d told me.

Let’s go.

False modesty and “being humble” holds you back

The biggest one on this list, if you only read this far: refusing fair compliments, being self deprecating, and belittling yourself has real life consequences.

Serious ones.

When you tell your boss you don’t really know that much about data science, he will think you don’t really know that much about data science. When you say you aren’t that good at poetry, you won’t get put forward for an agent. When you say you aren’t that pretty, that smart, that capable, you will end up believing it. It is not arrogance to like yourself and know what you are good at. I genuinely think this “be humble” thing women force on themselves and other women is the most destructive force in female employment.

No one is looking; live life on your terms



Madelaine Lucy Hanson

28 year old British girl with an awful lot to say. Opinions entirely my own. Usually. Enquiries: