God of the Grift: the problem with Ava Louise (and OnlyFans)
Ava Louise is free to do what she wants. Isn’t she?
A normal looking woman smiles back at me through the pixels. She’s not pretty, or remarkable, but perhaps that’s the whole appeal. The point. She could be any of the plain, invisible women who serve your coffee or rings up your groceries in stores, cafes or bars in a small town in Utah or New Jersey: and you get to see her naked. An ordinary, real woman, naked. That’s the product, the sell. Except, this woman, this round faced, stockily-built, wide-eyed young woman, curdles my blood with pity and a deep sadness.
I’m not here to wax lyrical or clutch my pearls on getting your knickers off for money. I’m not here to shame sex workers or claim girls who are on OnlyFans are wicked and ungodly. That spiel is a whole other article, and one riddled with the misogyny and capitalism I don’t have the hours to explore right now. I’m here to talk about Ava Louise. Or, for those of you who have better things to do than follow international sex scandals, The OnlyFans Girl Who Exposed Her Breasts On The Dublin Portal In NYC And Got The Art Installation Shut Down.