The amazing self pitying nonsense of male incels: 5 Ridiculous Hypocrisies

It’s so funny that they think women don’t face the same issues

Madelaine Lucy Hanson
6 min readSep 26, 2024

Author’s Note: I’m just not interested in any nonsense statistics you’ve found on reddit or 4Chan about women only being attracted to 10% of men, billionaires, or 6ft 5 men. Unless your dad has children with his 9 wives, that’s obviously nonsense. I studied behavioural ecology for my degree and I’ve written entire essays debunking that idiocy many, many times. Read those because I’m not going to waste time explaining to you why that meme you found is wrong.

Because you’d be super into her if she sent you a nude, right?

1. “Only men have to worry about being creepy or making people uncomfortable”

Anyone who has an autistic or unconventionally attractive female friend or relative knows this is hilariously untrue. Oh yes: women can definitely make men feel creeped out, turned off, or grossed out. I know so many women who are 25+ and are desperate to have their first boyfriend, but they make men way too uncomfortable to stick around post one conversation. I have so many friends who have been blocked, unmatched, rejected, and insulted for being ‘weird’ and ‘creepy’ when they fail to read the room, get obsessive, or come on way too strong. They texted a guy too much, stared at him…



Madelaine Lucy Hanson

28 year old British girl with an awful lot to say. Opinions entirely my own. Usually. Enquiries: