The dating addiction; why that guy suddenly went cold on you

He wanted to marry you last week. What happened?

Madelaine Lucy Hanson
4 min readJust now

My friends and I often joke that the fastest way to put a man off you on a dating app is to tell him that you like him. This is very much a joke before you all come for me with pitchforks in the comments; but as ever, there is a grain of vampire for ever peasant mob. Obviously don’t play games and catch the wrong fish. I’ll stop with the metaphors. Some men, read, some, prefer the thrill of the chase and the seduction of a woman to actually being with someone. Why? Because dating is fun. Meals out, new people, pretty girls, fancy outings, and those butterflies that come up when you can’t stop thinking about someone new. That bit is fun. The being stuck with one person and not able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, with no responsibilities or consideration for your partner? Yeah, that’s less fun. That’s less exciting. That’s hard.

Unless you did something very off putting, it’s probably not your fault

One of my friends called me two weeks ago bursting with happiness and surprise. “You know how I never like anyone,” she said, “Well, I’ve met two great men in one week who are amazing. They are so into me, too! It’s mutual! How do I choose? How insane is that!” Not very insane, dear reader, as she was pretty and the men she showed me seemed pretty mid. But they called her every day, texted her…



Madelaine Lucy Hanson

28 year old British girl with an awful lot to say. Opinions entirely my own. Usually. Enquiries: