‘The Double Text Rule’ and other dating nonsense you need to unlearn

Yes, you absolutely should text him after a date

Madelaine Lucy Hanson
4 min readApr 22, 2024

Beloved, I saw an absolute idiot pop up in my Instagram feed today. A grinning woman smugly pointed her finger at the screen and raised her eyebrows. “Don’t text him!” she shrieked. “Make him do the work. Make him prove to you that he’s interested. He’s going to be annoyed if you’re reaching out to him.” I stared in horror at this amazingly bad advice. Astonishingly, this had thousands of likes.

It’s not advanced philosophy: be authentic to your own needs

I’ll be real with you: as, a real human woman, I’m a grown up. I have a job, I have friends, I have stuff I need to do. I need to make supper, I need to talk to my mother, and I need to sit down with a lawyer I’m slightly scared of to go through a stupid probate issue I don’t understand. Even if I love you, I’m not thinking about you constantly. Not because you aren’t my friend, or even someone I fancy or feel strongly about, but because I’m living my life. Sometimes, I’ll miss your meme. I won’t reply to your text. I’ll forget to call you back. I won’t pick up the phone. It is not a barometer on how much I like you. My best friends know I’m not angry with them if I fall off the radar for a few days. When you’re an adult, that happens. And the same is totally true for dating.



Madelaine Lucy Hanson

28 year old British girl with an awful lot to say. Opinions entirely my own. Usually. Enquiries: madelaine@madelainehanson.co.uk