The Nazi ‘science’ making an mainstream comeback

Bones, bodies, your feelings and your facts

Madelaine Lucy Hanson
4 min readMay 22, 2023

NOTE: This article discusses racism, eugenics, white supremacy and genocide.

Why are black people inferior, a bunch of very racist white men asked each other in the 1850s. There must be a scientific reason for it, right? There has to be something inferior about them. They live in mud huts and we live in cities. We develop telegrams and steam engines and they make spears and sharp rocks. We colonised the world and they haven’t even discovered metal. It’s just science, right? Science? Facts. Sorry about your feelings, liberals. Right? Right?

Uncomfortable? Good. Because we do need to talk about this. Again.

A white utopia? Getting there is now being grimly discussed

This ignorant ‘science’, that is, the concept that human races diverge so much that people with different phenotypes (appearances) have different levels of intelligence, ability, and value, has never really gone away. Politicians from the Nazis to the Confederacy have always used poverty, famine, drought, persecution, and violence as opportunism to make out that an ethnicity is actually struggling because they are inherently lesser. It’s in the genes! It’s just their nature. After all, can you deny that there aren’t any black engineers in your hometown of 1850s Lincoln? Of course, an even slight analysis of the…



Madelaine Lucy Hanson

28 year old British girl with an awful lot to say. Opinions entirely my own. Usually. Enquiries: