Want to ‘make him like you’? I wouldn’t recommend doing it
No really sis, you don’t want that man
So I’m on Instagram, as you’d expect from a vain young woman who loves cats, and I am flooded with very stupid ads. Hair conditioners that defy science. Protein powder that magically makes you ten pounds lighter. And most frustratingly, ‘coaching hacks’ on how to ‘catch a man/win him back’.
I’ll save you some time: you can’t, and if you can, you shouldn’t have.
Men Know What You’re Doing, Actually
Men, ladies, aren’t that stupid. They know that when you text them loads, you like them. They know that when you start sending them carefully curated selfies, you fancy them. They know that when you start asking them about their love life, it’s because you have a crush. They don’t need mind games, seduction hacks, or to be herded into asking you out. If he liked you, he’d be reciprocal. I’m sorry: but there we go. You can shout “but he might be shy!” at me until you’re blue in the face, but the reality is than in almost every situation, if you’re being flirtatious and he’s still not responding or…